While the Lake George Elementary School goes through renovations this summer, the library staff at LGES didn’t want students to lose out on the opportunity to keep up with their summer reading. To continue programming, Lake George Elementary School is hosting their “Books and Beaches Club” each Wednesday throughout the month of July.

The LGES library will be taking students to a different local beach to read books, participate in a fun summer physical activity related to the story, and to go swimming. Thanks to the Bob Ross Memorial Fund Lake George was able to loan each of the 95 students, who signed up, the books for the program, and each student created their very own beach themed tote bag full of supplies for their activities and a fun surprise!

The “Books and Beaches Club” program developed by LGES librarian Bridget Crossman provides reading options that encourage the exploration of new interests and topics as well as developing and enhancing literacy skills all while having exciting experiences in our local area. Mrs. Crossman and Mrs. Usher will accompany readers from first to sixth grade to each beach this July to enjoy a wide variety of programs and events. Students also have the opportunity to stop at the Caldwell library to borrow books to read each week. This valuable program is offered because of dedicated staff members who understand the importance of literacy, physical activity, and continued commitment to our schools.